Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Oh What Do You Do in the Summertime?

They changed the way this blog thing is set up, so if anyone knew how long it took me to figure out how to make a new post, you would know that it's a very big deal that I stuck it out and am actually doing this.  I let Ty have a sleep over with his friend Rylee last night which is why I have time to do this.  All those moms out there who are opposed to sleep overs, I don't understand. Nothing gets your kids out of your face all evening, all night, and all morning like a sleep over.  Nothing.
Just helping Grandma Hansen in the garden. Ty is now an expert at pulling weeds.  

New skill... Cooking oatmeal in the morning.  I measure and he does the rest, and I mean all of it.  You'd like to think I sit there with him while he cooks,  and I'm just going to let you think that.

Summertime means lots of watermelon, which everyone here loves.  And I did mow my lawn that night btw.

They play outside all day until their little buts are so full of sand they can't walk anymore.  They get a rinse in the shower and head back out. It's a beautiful thing.

We found a little amusement park made for little kids. This is the train, a crowd favorite.

"So this is where heaven is. It's in the shed!"

Flying baby.

Landon and Austin on the train.

Watch that heat, it can really get to ya.

Get in, get out, try to drown each other, and pop up with a happy face.  What are friends for?

This is the game... Run across the yard at full speed and belly flop into the tiny pool.  But they do an excellent job of taking turns!

What up

This is where the kids sleep every night.  I thought I would finally take a picture of it, since it is pretty cute.  This one turned out especially funny though.  I wasn't home to shower and put the kids to bed.  Ty wears boxer briefs, however, these are not them.  These are a pair of Landon's pajama bottoms.  You should see the mark the elastic left in the morning. Funny daddy!
We've been doing absolutely nothing this summer except, well, summer things.  Swimming pretty much everyday.  We spend a lot of time down at the beach cabin and have friends over everyday but Sunday.  I'm seriously sitting here trying to think of anything we've done worth mentioning, and I can't think of anything, so you just get pictures, which are like a thousand words, right?

Friday, May 18, 2012

Several people have been bothering me to be a better blogger, but my camera's dead and I've been way to lazy to actually get it out of the car to charge the battery, so you get words today.
A couple days ago Ty refused to go to sleep.  He just played in his room until... I don't know, I was asleep.  The kids woke up at NINE the next morning crying. When I went in there I found Ty had climbed in the crib with Landon and slept there all night.  Funny.
I have started a teeny tiny nudest colony in my back yard.  I figure it's better than the nudest colony last year though, since last year they were in the front yard.  They sure are funny little naked butts to watch though.
Well that's it.  Not joking when I say nothing exciting is happening around here.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Good News

Potty training and fishing.  Yes, it's freezing outside!
Daddy is always the crowd favorite!
The smiliest kid I know, but we have yet to get it on camera.
Add caption
Taking a pic was a good idea, but just an idea.
You never know what goes on at Grandma's.
Baby cries, Ty makes him suck on his lips.
The good news is that Nathan and I are now friends again! He said I had an attitude problem, so I really told him what my problems is, and we're friends.  Love him!  Now I'm sitting here watching American Idol  and blogging and eating a LOT of good chocolate, which I've done a lot of this week, due to my "attitude problem."  I guess I should stop now that I'm not mad.  Anyway, new pictures of my cuties.